You know the super-heroes, right? Spider Man, The Hulk, Fantastic Four, and Iron Man made Marvel famous. But do you know what Marvel Comics was all about in the late 50’s and early 60’s? Monsters! That’s right, monsters!hier
Join me in a celebration of the Marvel monster comics of Jack Kirby and Stan Lee. Here you’ll find the pulse-pounding tales of radiation run amok, of scientific experiments gone awry, of shape-shifting, mind-bending aliens from the furthest reaches of outer space!
There’s a whole ton of reviews that need to be written but all covers are up, stories are listed and the comment system is on.
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Ein Sommer der Abschiede. Nun gilt es zu betrauern: Bernd Pfarr, Schöpfer des Titanic-Comics Sondermann. Ein herber Verlust, wie so viele in letzter Zeit.
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[via gruppe manuela, gutes blog im übrigen]
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faz | fr | taz
[via gruppe manuela, gutes blog im übrigen]
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